I've had a busy couple of weeks since I got back from my holiday in the Cotswolds. Mainly I've been concentrating getting my audiobooks produced and on sale. I now have three on sale and two more in production!
Available to buy now are the first two books in the Afterland Chronicles series - Ascension of the Whyte and Ryte of Passage as well as The Last Girl Guide, my stand alone post-apocalyptic young-adult survival adventure story.
In production is the final book in the Afterland Chronicles - Ice and Fyre, and my first children's book - Molly Midnight and the Little People.
I have also been putting my new exercise regimen into operation in an attempt to be healthier. Writing is a notoriously sedentary lifestyle so I vowed to walk at least 4 miles a day which pretty much ensures that I smash my 10,000 steps a day target too! My Fitbit stats are now something to be proud of and hopefully, I shall reap the rewards with a little weight loss and improved level of fitness too! My dog Jinks is also, understandably, extremely happy about this new exercise routine!
Lastly, with a view to increasing productivity and improve dialogue authenticity, I have been experimenting with Dragon Dictation software, and hopefully from now on will be writing all my first drafts using dictation. The great thing is that I can combine the two and dictate while I am walking! So if you pass a preoccupied, dog-walking woman chuntering "Full stop, new paragraph" stop and say Hi - it will probably be me!
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