Karen's Books

Monday, 26 June 2017

Audio Books, Exercise and Taming My Dragon

Hi everyone,

I've had a busy couple of weeks since I got back from my holiday in the Cotswolds. Mainly I've been concentrating getting my audiobooks produced and on sale. I now have three on sale and two more in production!

Available to buy now are the first two books in the Afterland Chronicles series - Ascension of the Whyte and Ryte of Passage as well as The Last Girl Guide, my stand alone post-apocalyptic young-adult survival adventure story.

In production is the final book in the Afterland Chronicles - Ice and Fyre, and my first children's book - Molly Midnight and the Little People.

I have also been putting my new exercise regimen into operation in an attempt to be healthier. Writing is a notoriously sedentary lifestyle so I vowed to walk at least 4 miles a day which pretty much ensures that I smash my 10,000 steps a day target too! My Fitbit stats are now something to be proud of and hopefully, I shall reap the rewards with a little weight loss and improved level of fitness too! My dog Jinks is also, understandably, extremely happy about this new exercise routine!

Lastly, with a view to increasing productivity and improve dialogue authenticity, I have been experimenting with Dragon Dictation software, and hopefully from now on will be writing all my first drafts using dictation.  The great thing is that I can combine the two and dictate while I am walking! So if you pass a preoccupied, dog-walking woman chuntering "Full stop, new paragraph" stop and say Hi - it will probably be me!

Tuesday, 13 June 2017


I've (finally) started writing my new book, working title - Rabbit Girl.

Draft cover:-

As I write, I'm collecting ideas and images in Pinterest.

Some of the images on my board

I'm excited to be delving into the world of Lewis Caroll, investigating new ideas,

and creating a new book based loosely on Alice in Wonderland...

Rabbit Girl - Draft Blurb

Would you abandon your best friend to save your sanity?

"Sanity is overrated. Look at you - you're as mad hatter - all the best people are..."

Lissie has long had more than her fair share of problems. For one, her only friend Is a six-foot white rabbit called Lewis.

Add to that a childhood traumatised by schizophrenia, and Lissie generates enough material to keep a team of psychiatrists busy for years.

If she is to recover, Lissie must be prepared to give up the only friend she has ever known.

However, getting rid of Lewis is no easy matter...

Tuesday, 6 June 2017


I am proud to announce that one of my books has been included in the AFTER bundle - a boxed set of uniquely different post-apocalyptic novels, featuring characters just like you.

What would you be willing to do to survive?


1. "The Last Girl Guide" by Karen Wrighton
2. "The Tube Riders: Underground" by Chris Ward
3. "Mr Apocalypse" by Mark Gillespie
4. "Of Myst and Folly" by Leah Cutter
5. "The Rift" by Kim Antieau