Karen's Books

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Rabbit Girl - Cover Reveal and Latest News!

For the next few weeks, I will be busy completing the research and first draft of my new novel Rabbit Girl.

I have been investigating specialised mental hospitals for young people in and around East Anglia, where the story is set and I've got some super ideas for locations.

As the story is based very loosely on Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, I have discovered plenty of useful material, inspiring quotes and ideas from the original book as well as from my visit to Alice's Adventures Underground this spring.


Here's a small insight:-

Would you abandon your best friend to save your sanity?

"You're absolutely bonkers - as mad as a hatter - all the best people are..."

Lissie has long had more than her fair share of problems. For one, her only friend Is a six-foot white rabbit called Lewis.

Add to that a childhood traumatised by schizophrenia, confusion over her sexuality, and Lissie generates enough material to keep a team of psychiatrists busy for years.

If she is to recover, Lissie must be prepared to give up the only friend she has ever known.

However, getting rid of Lewis is no easy matter...

To keep up-to-date with my progress check back here or subscribe to my Readers' Community.


Saturday, 1 July 2017


Hi everyone, 

I've been busy putting together a magical box set this week, getting together with four other authors to produce a box set of firsts in series. Check out the information below if you LOVE Magic...

Love escaping into the world of MAGIC?

Then why not immerse yourself in these five new worlds brimming with enchantment? This unique box set includes the first books in five captivating fantasy series. Explore each new and exciting magical world and discover which of them you would like to spend more time in. A virtual smorgasbord of exciting magical adventure for you to sample.

"Those that don't believe in magic will never find it." -- Roald Dahl


Table of Contents
1. "Ascension of the Whyte" by Karen Wrighton
2. "Night Awakens" by Leslie Claire Walker
3. "Terra Incognita" by Karen L. Abrahamson
4. "Zelda Pryce, Book 1: The Razor's Edge" by Joseph Robert Lewis
5. "The Apple of Their Eyes (Juliette Harbinger, Vol. 1)" by Michael R.E. Adams

Click on the cover for details of how to buy.
