Karen's Books

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Fun with Dragon Dictation

Hi everyone,

This week I have been experimenting with Dragon Dictation. I walk my dog Jinks every day for over an hour. I usually walk her in the woods, on the beach or at the Roman ruins along by the Norfolk Broads. An expert at multi-tasking, I have long used this time to catch up on Writing and Author Podcasts, listen to audiobooks and to use text to speech software to do a copy edit of my work. However, I never thought I could use this time for actually writing the first draft of one of my books - until now.

I purchased the Dragon app for my iPhone and armed with Bluetooth headphones and mic I thought I would give it a try.

I must admit, I did feel a little self-conscious walking around the woods talking to myself. Luckily there were not many people around.  It took a little practice, and the result was rather littered with mistakes, but in one hour I managed to 'write' almost four thousand words!

Consequently, I am rather keen to keep this up and see if I can make the process produce a more accurate transcript of my words.  With that in mind, I have just ordered a new headset with a drop-down mic so the microphone will be closer to my mouth.  I'll let you know how I get on.

So if you are walking in the woods and see a strange woman walking her dog whilst annunciating loudly; "Full stop - new paragraph," say hi - it's probably me!


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