Karen's Books

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Art Journalling Continued...

The three latest pages from my art journal of Hope and Gratitude. It’s fun and so very good for mental health. Why not give it a go - you can use pretty much any scraps you have lying around. Magazine cuttings, old greetings cards, ticket stubs, memorabilia etc. It’s so absorbing and can be a really personal and creative way of Journalling.

Sunday, 21 February 2021

My Art Journalling Journey - A Journal of Hope and Gratitude - STARS IN DARKNESS

Yesterday I began my journey into Art Journalling in the hope that it would give me some joy, contentment and relief from the sadness, stress and isolation of our current situation. The very apt theme of this journal is Hope and Gratitude.

Being engrossed in creativity is known to be good for mental health. I know this well, I used to teach it. So, I guess it’s a case of psychologist and artist heal thyself, and time to take my own medicine.

Here is the result and, trust me, it really does help. 

Day 1 - Stars in Darkness 

I really enjoyed creating this and am looking forward to continuing this new journey.